trading as  Calder Hall Medical Centre


Electroencephalography (EEG)

EEG stands for Electroencephalography. This is a recording of your brain waves (the electrical activity of your brain). During an EEG test, electrodes pick up the brain’s electrical impulses and carry them to the computer where their pattern is recorded as waves. The EEG gives information about the brain that is useful to your doctor in making a diagnosis in several different conditions. It is the only test that can produce this sort of information.

To make an appointment, please call our Reception Desk (868) 660 7873 or (868) 639 8516

1. Why have an EEG test?

EEG can provide your doctor with valuable clues to diagnose or monitor the following health conditions:

  • epilepsy ( diagnose it and type of epileptic seizure)

  • brain tumours (abnormal structures in the brain

  • epileptic seizures ( distinguish them from other types of fits such as psychogenic non-epileptic seizures, syncope)

  • encephalopathy

  • haemorrhage (abnormal bleeding)

  • encephalitis (swelling of the brain)confusion

The EEG results can help to distinguish psychiatric conditions such as schizophrenia, paranoia, and depression from degenerative mental disorders such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

2. What should I do before the EEG test?

  • Wash your hair the night before the test; do not use any hair products on after rinsing, like hairspray, gel or hair lotion/cream. If you have a hair weave, you may want to ask for special instructions.

  • Take all your usual medications as normal. Bring a list of your medications with you.

  • Eat as normal. Avoid all drinks containing caffeine for 8 hours before the test.

  • You should have a normal night's sleep before the test.

3. What happens during an EEG test?

  • Before performing the EEG you will be explained each aspect of the test and answered any questions you may have.

  • You will sit comfortably on a chair during the EEG

  • Plastic helmet and electrodes will be placed on your scalp and the electrical activity of your brain will be recorded.

  • During the test you may be asked to have your eyes closed or open, to be exposed at a bright light (photic stimulation) and/or to breathe deeply for at least 3 minutes (hyperventilation).

  • You must keep your head still, sit as still and relaxed as possible so that the EEG recording will be clear.

  • The test ill take 30 - 40 minutes.

4. What happens after the EEG test?

  • When the investigation is finished, the helmet and the electrodes are removed without any pain.

  • You will then be able to go home or back to work and continue with your normal activity.

  • There are no after-effects from EEG tests.

  • The results are not available immediately. The report is sent to you by email within 3 working days or you can pick it up from the office.

5. How will the results of this test assist my consultant?

An EEG will help your consultant in the diagnosis and management of your complaints or condition.

You have to discuss the report/findings with your consultant.

© 2016 Specialist Clinics of Tobago Ltd.- All rights reserved -- Last updated: November 28, 2017